

主 讲 人:冯志刚教授

单    位:伊利诺伊大学香槟分校

讲座题目:mandated benefits,entrepreneurship and talent misallocation


时    间:2014年6月20上午(周五)9:30---11:30

地    点:文泉楼北208室





zhigang feng

department of economics                                             office: 1 217 333 0120

university of illinois at urbana-champaign                    cell: 1305 979 0483

david kinley hall                                                         e-mail:

1407 w. gregory, urbana                                           web:

illinois 61801                                                               citizenship: chinese (us permanent resident)

academic employment

university of illinois at urbana-champaign

assistant professor                                                                                                                  2013-present

purdue university krannert school of management

assistant professor                                                                                                                  2012 2013

university of zurich department of banking and finance

research fellow                                                                                                                      2009 2012                                          

federal reserve bank of st. louis research division                  

visiting scholar                                                                                                                          march 2014

                                                                                                                                         july, august 2013        

june, november 2010

research fields

quantitative macroeconomics, asset pricing, public finance, fiscal policy


publicationsand working papers

  1. time consistent optimal fiscal policy over the business cycle, quantitative economics, forthcoming.

  2. numerical simulation of non-optimal dynamic equilibrium models, withjianjun miao, adrian peralta-alva, manuel santos, international economic review, volume 55, issue 1 (2014), page 83-110.

  3. tackling indeterminacy in the overlapping generations model, mathematical methods of operations research: volume 77, issue 3 (2013), page 445-457

  4. macroeconomic analysis of universal coverage in the u.s.,social computing, behavioral modeling and prediction 2010 (pp. 87-96). new york: springer.

  5. the effect of capital taxation on capital accumulation and welfare, with begona dominguez, r&r at macroeconomic dynamics.

  6. indeterminacy and asset pricevolatility in stochastic olg model, with matthew hoelle,

r&r at quantitative economics.

  1. why do americans work so much more than europeans? the role of employer-sponsored health insurance and uncertain health expenditures, with kai zhao.

  2. macroeconomic consequences of alternative reforms to the health insurance system in the u.s.

  3. consequences of valuing health: a macroeconomic perspective, with pedro gomis-porqueras.

  4. welfare analysis of patient protection and affordable care act (obama-care), with hui he

research in progress

  1. mandated benefits, entrepreneurship and talent misallocation. with david chivers and anne villamil.

  2. should investment expenses be fully and immediately tax deductible?, with begona dominguez..


ph.d. in economics                                                                                                                              2009

thesis: on the computation of heterogeneous agent models and its applications

advisors: adrian peralta-alva and manuel santos

the university of miami department of economics

m.a. in economics                                                                                                                               2006

the university of miami department of economics

m.a. in economics                                                                                                                               2003

zhongnan university of economics and law school of economics

teaching experience

graduate level

  • quantitative macro (phd), university of illinois at urbana-champaign, spring 2014

  • macro theory (phd core), university of illinois at urbana-champaign, fall 2013

  • macro labor(second year phd), purdue university, spring 2013

  • intermediate economics (ma), purdue university, spring 2013

  • recursive method in macroeconomics (phd), university of zurich, spring 2011, spring 2012

  • computational economics (phd), zurich initiative on computational economics, summer 2011

undergraduate level

  • intermediate macroeconomics, university of illinois at urbana-champaign, spring 2014, fall 2013, purdue university, fall 2012

  • principles of microeconomics, university of miami, fall 2007, spring 2008, fall 2008

  • principles of macroeconomics, university of miami, spring 2009

invited seminars

  • 2014, university of hong kong, peking university, shanghai university of finance and economics

  • 2013, suny stony brook, congressional budget office, federal reserve bank of st. louis, university of miami.

  • 2012, university of delaware, university of konstanz, university of miami, universidad carlos iii de madrid, texas a&m, purdue university.

  • 2011, florida international university, university of zurich.

  • 2010, fed of st. louis, peking university, zhongnan university of economics and law.

  • 2009, cuny at queens, florida atlantic university, florida international university, tilburg university, university of zurich.

conference presentations

  • 2013, 13th saet conference, midwest macro meeting.

  • 2012, midwest macro meeting, 12th saet conference, national tax association 105th annual conference on taxation.

  • 2011, 17th international conference on computing in economics and finance, 8th world congress on health economics, operations research 2011 conference.

  • 2010, north american winter meetings of the econometric society, royal economic society conference, 10th saet conference on current trend in economics.

  • 2009, midwest macro meeting, zurich center for computational financial economics – 1st annual workshop.

  • 2008, 14th international conference on computing in economics and finance.

professional activities

refereeing activity

  • applied economics, china economic review, computational economics, econometrica, frontiers of economics in china, handbook of computational economics, journal of economic theory (4), journal of economic dynamic and control, journal of mathematical economics (5), macroeconomic dynamics, national science foundation, quantitative economic.  

professional membership

  • american economic association, econometrics society, royal economic association, society for computational economics, international health economics association, society for the advancement of economic theory.

session chair

  • 2010, royal economic society conference.


  • 2012, finrisk 9thresearch workshop at gerzensee seminar center.


  • university of zurich: thomas rosenberger, john sulgerbuel.

honorsand awards

  • 2011, swiss national computing center production project.

  • 2008, summer research travel fund, university of miami.

  • 2007, fellow, institute on computational economics, university of chicago.

  • 2007, florence bayuk award for the best third year research paper, university of miami.

  • 2004-2009, graduate scholarship, university of miami.


available upon request
