一、 基本信息
电子邮箱:sanwei.87@163.com; hesanwei@znufe.edu.cn;
二、 教育经历
三、 研究成果
1、sci & ssci期刊:
[1] he, s., yu, s., wang, l., the nexus of transport infrastructure and economic output in city-level china: a heterogeneous panel causality analysis, annals of regional science, 2021, 66(1): 113-135.
[2] he, s., yu, s., li, g.*, zhang, j., exploring the influence of urban form on land-use efficiency from a spatiotemporal heterogeneity perspective: evidence from 336 chinese cities. land use policy, 2020, 95, 104576.
[3] he, s., wu, y., wang, l.*, characterizing horizontal and vertical perspectives of spatial equity for various urban green spaces: a case study of wuhan, china. frontiers in public health, 2020, 8:10, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00010.
[4] li, g., fang, c.*, & he, s.*, the influence of environmental efficiency on pm2.5 pollution: evidence from 283 chinese prefecture-level cities, 2020, 748, 141549.
[5] wang, l., acheampong, r., he, s.*, high-speed rail network development effects on the growth and spatial dynamics of knowledge-intensive economy in major cities of china, 2020, 105, 102772.
[6] he, s., liao, f. h., & li, g.* a spatiotemporal analysis of county economy and the multi-mechanism process of regional inequality in rural china. applied geography, 2019, 111, 102073.
[7] he, s., yu, s., wei, p.*, fang, c.*, a spatial design network analysis of street networks and the locations of leisure entertainment activities: a case study of wuhan, china. sustainable cities and society, 2019, 44, 880-887.
[8] he, s., wang weiwu, 2018. ‘administrative boundary change and regional inequality in provincial china’, .
[9] he, s., fang, c., zhang, w., 2017. ‘a geospatial analysis of multi-scalar regional inequality in china and in metropolitan regions’. applied geography, 88: 199-212.
[10] he, s., mucahid mustafa bayrak, lin hui, 2017. ‘a comparative analysis of multi-scalar regional inequality in china’. geoforum, 78: 1-11.
[11] he, s., pan, p., dai, l., wang, h., and liu, j., 2012. ‘application of kernel-based fisher discriminant analysis to map landslide susceptibility in the qinggan river delta, three gorges, china.’ geomorphology, 171-172: 30-41.
[12] wang, h., he, s. (*), liu, x., dai, l., pan, p., hong, s., and zhang, w., 2013. ‘simulating urban expansion using a cloud-based cellular automata model: a case study of jiangxia, wuhan, china.’ landscape and urban planning, 110: 99-112.
[13] zeng, c., he, s., cui, j., 2014. ‘a multi-level and multi-dimensional measuring on urban sprawl: a case study in wuhan metropolitan area, china’, sustainability, 6(6), 3571-3598.
[1] 单葆国,邵玺,余姗,贺三维*(*),中国城市蔓延阶段特征及驱动因素分析,地球信息科学,2018,20(3):302-310.
[2] 贺三维,邵玺,京津冀地区人口—土地—经济城镇化空间集聚及耦合协调发展研究,经济地理,2018,38(1): 95-102.
[3] , 王伟武 , 曾晨. 中国区域发展时空格局变化分析及其预测. 地理科学,2016 , 36 (11) :1622-1628.
[4] 贺三维,潘鹏,诸云强,陈鹏飞,. 农用地集约利用评价的新模型研究. 自然资源学报,2012,27(3): 460-467.
[5] 王海军,贺三维,张文婷,邓羽,. 顾及障碍空间距离和区域差异的元胞自动机城市扩展模型构建. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2011,36(8): 999-1002.
[6] 贺三维,潘鹏,王海军,余连,. 基于psr和云理论的农用地生态环境评价——以广东省新兴县为例,自然资源学报,2011,26(8): 1346-1352.
[1] 王海军,贺三维,张文婷,何青青,一种基于云模型元胞自动机的城市扩展预测方法,中国,zl 2011 1 0227421.4[p], 2011-08-10.
[2] 王海军,张文婷,贺三维,何青青,一种基于非等权距离的多波段遥感影像模糊监督分类方法,中国,zl 2011 1 0227474.6[p], 2011-08-10.
(3) 贺三维, 新型城镇化空间布局模拟及预测软件(简称nuca)v1.0, 2018年9月, 2018sr794069.
(4) 贺三维; 夜间灯光数据和新型城镇化指标体系构建软件v1.0, 2020年1月, 2020sr0021501.
(2)国家社科基金后期资助项目,20fglb065,隐性经济视角下环境规制对雾霾污染的时空效应及作用机制,2021-1到2012-12, 25万元,在研,主持;
(3)教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目,20jhq076,中国新型城镇化发展的特征研究,2021-1到2012-12, 10万元,在研,主持;
(4)湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目), 2020069, 交通网络导向的城市空间结构演变与协同优化路径, 4万元, 已结题, 主持;
(5)湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目), 2018055, 武汉市公共交通理论与实践:需求、公平与低碳, 2018-01至2018-12, 4万元, 已结题, 主持;
(1) 贺三维,中国多尺度区域差异分析:地理空间分析视角(英文),中国社会科学出版社,212千字,2019(isbn 9787520340458)
(2) 向华丽,贺三维,张俊峰,,中国地质大学出版社,234千字,2016(isbn )
(3) 贺三维,地理信息系统空间分析应用教程,武汉大学出版社,260千字,2019
1. 2011年5月 荣获武汉大学一等奖学金,以及优秀毕业研究生称号;
2. 2010年12月 荣获武汉大学“陈永龄院士优秀学生科技创新奖学金”二等奖;
3. 2010年12月 荣获武汉大学优秀硕士研究生称号,并获二等奖学金;
4. 2010年6月 荣获第五届上海研究生环境论坛论文二等奖;
5. 2009年9月 荣获武汉大学一等奖学金;
担任 “applied mathematics and computation”,“giscience and remote sensing”等国际期刊的审稿专家;为中国人口协会、国际华人地理信息科学协会的会员。